August 23 2019

I'm in the house alone this evening.

The reason is that you and Mum have just left to go camping at some Christian festival in Sussex. I don't like camping, but I'd put up with it to be with you – but the Christian thing doesn't sit easily with me.

The car was packed up to the gills, with barely any room for you – let alone me – to squeeze in. As you reversed out of the drive and started to head down the hill I ran alongside the car, trying to keep up. You laughed, your window wound down, waving and cackling...

Hopefully you'll Facetime me later. I really miss you guys when you're away.

Earlier today you were at a sailing course at the reservoir. You've been there all week, messing around in boats with your friend. Some days you didn't want to go, or complained that you felt a bit sick, but I think you were just nervous.

I watch you from afar in a crowd sometimes and you hold back, shy to get involved. I'm the same. But then, like me, you are able to turn the “razzle dazzle” on when you want to and become the most entertaining funniest eight year old I know. You are very clever with your humour, your mimicry, your gags and physical comedy. I love that about you.

I'm proud of you for doing the sailing course – despite a fish (apparently) jumping into the boat and biting you. Great to see you doing something physical and outside during the summer holidays rather than being plugged into an iPad.

Love you, Dad.